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Our Process

Recruitment doesn't have to be complex.

One choice, two options:

Non Retained Search:

Taking approximately a week to complete we look to provide one or two suitable candidates for you to explore further. 


The process is as follows:

•             Discuss the firms objectives, goals and future direction

•             Prepare a brief for the role incorporating the above desires

•             Research suitable candidates within a 20 mile radius of the office location

•             Provide principle details of 1-2 candidates for further exploration

•             Organise interviews

•             Manage the process (interview / post interview)

•             Oversee Contract signing, notice period and start date

Part Retained Search:

In-depth analysis of potential candidates covering a larger geographical area which includes a number of significant stages.


Stage 1 - Briefing


  • Face to face meeting with Managing partner/partners and or HR to discuss the firms business, goals and direction enabling us to gain a full understanding of the firm’s ethos and development plans. This allows us to understand your requirements and how best we can achieve them together.


Stage 2- Specification

  • After the briefing, we will write a job specification which is then sent to you for your approval/alteration. This ensures that both we and the client are clear on the exact individual required.


Stage 3 - Research

  • Our team of specialist experienced researchers then identify individuals who can execute the role being presented.


Stage 4 - Approach

  • Directly approaching these individuals in complete confidence to identifying parties interested in pursuing the opportunity presented.


Stage 5 – Shortlist


  • We then shortlist the strongest individuals with a view to pursue a face to face meeting. The process so far can be completed in approximately 4-6 weeks


Stage 7 - Securing the right talent

  • We then manage the timeline for 1st, 2nd and 3rd ( if required ) face to face meetings and aid in the offer process/contracts, counter offers, current employment termination and relocation advice.

Having run numerous part retained searches for clients, this formula works and we would be delighted to expand upon our offerings.

Contact us by email or phone:-

01934 712305

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