01934 712305

The Drury Partnership
Specialist Legal Head Hunters
We are a business that specialise in research driven head hunting for the Legal industry. Our methods work, we find and recruit the best talent for your law firm.
We are a specialist firm of Legal Head-Hunters, who work exclusively within the United Kingdom. We help our clients Head-Hunt at all levels of fee earners from Filex’s to Partners, across all disciplines Nationwide. We have expert knowledge in assisting our client’s growth plans with complete team uplifts, Mergers and Acquisitions.
Our in depth knowledge comes from working with small to mid-sized law firms. Often these firms are geographically challenged and have run out of options. We understand how difficult it is to find the right person for these specific roles.
We specialise in helping get the right individuals in front of our clients, often when they have exhausted all other avenues. Our job is to sell your opportunity. We advise our clients about making an opportunity attractive, often our clients have amazing roles but struggle to talk to anyone about them.
We help clients find staff that not only complement, but add real value to their business. Our bespoke services give clients access to ‘off market’ candidates previously unavailable via traditional methods of recruitment.
We work on a part retained basis and confidentiality is at the heart of our business.